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Learn About or Become Active within the Energy Services Industry

National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO): The National Association of Energy Service Companies, (NAESCO) is the leading advocacy and accreditation organization for Energy Service Companies dedicated to modernizing America’s building infrastructure through performance contracting. As the national trade association of the ESCO Community, NAESCO provides support through:

  • Advocacy – finding pathways to make business happen, and to solve problems that arise
  • Engagement – actively involving themselves in the energy community to encourage cost-effective solutions to infrastructure improvement
  • Training – providing workshops, webinars and conferences that will educate providers and users of energy services
  • Support – developing solutions to direct problems that arise on projects and issues their membership encounters

View upcoming NAESCO events

Energy Services Coalition (ESC): The Energy Services Coalition a national nonprofit organization composed of a network of experts from a wide range of organizations working together at the state and local level to increase energy efficiency and building upgrades through energy savings performance contracting. ESC provides its members with many resources to facilitate performance contracting projects, energy efficiency improvements, and building upgrades.

  • Informative and interactive Chapter meetings at various locations across the country provide a forum to address performance contracting issues and to develop business relationships. These meetings also facilitate state-to-state information exchange on “best practices” in marketing and implementing performance contracting programs and projects.
  • Workshops on project development, financing, and energy savings performance contracting provide information on the programmatic process, as well as new energy-saving technologies and financing options for building and facility owners.
  • Other benefits available to ESC members include: problem-solving services on performance contracting and financing for building and facility owners, and free educational and technical materials, including standardized documents, such as sample Requests for Proposals and contracts.

Find Your State Chapter || View upcoming ESC events


The Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International provides programs, resources, services, and a global network to school business professionals who are passionate about quality education. They promote the highest standards of school business management, professional growth, and the effective use of educational resources.

Together, ASBO International and their affiliates uphold standards of excellence among school business professionals everywhere. 

Find your local ASBO Affiliate || View upcoming ASBO International Events

The Center for Green Schools works to ensure that green, healthy schools are accessible to all students no matter their race, status, wealth or where they live. U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) launched the National Green Schools Campaign alongside partners at the 2007 Clinton Global Initiative, committing to a vision of green schools for every child.

View Upcoming Center for Green Schools & U.S. Green Building Council Events 

Better Buildings (US Department of Energy): K12 School Districts Resource

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (US Department of Energy):Energy Savings Performance Contracting, A Primer for K-12 Schools

Higher Education

APPA – Leadership in Educational Facilities enables educational institutions to share, elevate, and transform the learning environment. APPA provides training and professional development, performance measurement, and evaluation tools, standards, best practices, research, credentialing, and thought leadership to more than 10,000 educational facilities professionals from more than 1,200 learning institutions.

View Upcoming APPA Events

The National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) is a membership organization providing leadership and sector-wide guidance on accounting, finance, and tax issues in higher education.

View NACUBO’s Annual Meeting

State & Local Government + State Energy Offices

The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) is the only national non-profit association for the governor-designated energy officials from each of the 56 states and territories. Formed by the states in 1986, NASEO facilitates peer learning among state energy officials, serves as a resource for and about state energy offices, and advocates the interests of the state energy offices to Congress and federal agencies.

View Upcoming NASEO Events



Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Federal

The Federal Performance Contracting Coalition (FPCC) is a group of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) advocating for increased federal use of Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs.) To that aim, their activities focus primarily on barrier removal and ensuring “more, faster, bigger and better” ESPC projects in the Federal ESPC marketplace. The FPCC is the primary organization representing ESPC industry and their members represent over 90% of Federal ESPCs.

Energy Efficiency