Excerpt from RFP
The City of Taunton (“City”) seeks proposals, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30B, §6, from solar energy developers (“Respondent”) to:
1. Fully install at...
Excerpt from RFQ
The US Postal Service Implementation Acquisition CMT is seeking to identify qualifiedsuppliers with nationwide capabilities to identify and quantify opportunities for energyconsumption/cost...
Republished News Release, Orginal Source: TVA
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee Valley Authority announced that 106 schools across its Southeast region will have more...
PHILADELPHIA, PA, USA, May 1, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Energia is pleased to share information about two GESA (Guaranteed Energy Savings Act) projects that are emblematic of...
HOUSTON — ENGIE, a leader in the Net Zero energy transition, envisions continued strong customer demand for its renewables solutions in the U.S. and...
Historic EPC Project progress report shows DEN’s energy and water reductions tracking with Vision 100 Strategic Plan
Republished News Release, Orginal Source McKinstry
DENVER, CO — Denver...
Excerpt from RFP
San Miguel County, CO
San Miguel County (“County”) is requesting proposals from qualified professional firms or individual contractors to provide services associated...
Excerpt from RFP
City of Meridian, MS
Notice is hereby given that The City of Meridian shall receive responses from qualified Energy Service Providers (ESPs) to...