2019, Fall

Interview: Hawaii State Energy Office, Carilyn Shon

Interview-Hawaii-State-Energy-Office-Carilyn-Shon The State of Hawaii is currently sitting at the helm of the most ambitious energy goal in the country. Since 2008, Hawaii has been...

Interview: New Mexico Facilities Management at Department of General Services, Erica Velarde

FRONTLINE: INTERVIEW, Energy Engineer General Services Department, Facilities Management New Mexico Erica Velarde

The Power of Knowledge: How Celtic Energy, now NV5, can help you navigate ESPCs, EaaS and other projects

INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT, The Power of Knowledge: How Celtic Energy, now NV5, can help you navigate ESPCs, EaaS and other projects

Improve HVAC Performance and Reduce HVAC Replacement Costs

Expert Insights: Improve HVAC Performance and Reduce HVAC Replacement Costs

ABM Saves Historic Courthouse through ESPC

Beyond the Savings: The Heart of Centreville Lives On, ABM Saves Historic Courthouse through ESPC

How Lighting Upgrades Can Benefit Your Healthcare Facility

How-Lighting-Upgrades-Can-Benefit-Your-Healthcare-Facility By: WESCO Lighting Solutions On average, lighting accounts for 16% of a hospital’s total energy consumption and over 40% of its total electricity usage. Areas...

Nexus Solutions collaborates with Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) to create a new learning environment for students

Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) results in High School Transformation - Nexus Solutions collaborates with Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) to create a new learning environment for students

Continuous Commissioning leads to $6 Million in Energy Reduction

MEASUREMENT & VERIFICATION: Continuous Commissioning leads to $6 Million in Energy Reduction, Interview with Jim Rufo, Virginia Department of Military Affairs

What type of relationship is best for business?

What-type-of-relationship-is-best-for-business By: David NieKamp, Psy.DOrganizational Development Psychologist, Nenni & Associates As the ESCO industry continues to grow, the field of companies that can deliver high-value projects...