2024, Summer

The City of Alamo Funds $4.4M Infrastructure Modernization Project with Energy Savings

The-City-of-Alamo-Funds-4.4M-Infrastructure-Modernization-Project-with-Energy-Savings City Manager Robert Salinas champions improving water metering and lighting efficiency, recouping $94K in lost revenue, and saving $39K in energy costs in the...

WATER WEALTH: Recouping Revenue and Saving Energy with Smart Infrastructure

Water-Wealth The financial stability of a local government is essential for consistently delivering vital public services, maintaining infrastructure, and fostering economic development, all of which...

Unlocking Energy Efficiency with Collaborative Partnerships and Federal Incentives

Unlocking-Energy-Efficiency-with-Collaborative-Partnerships-and-Federal-Incentives By Dr. Timothy Unruh, Executive Director, National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO) Public buildings are the heartbeat of our communities, housing essential services...

4 Steps to Reduce Grid Strain

4-Steps-to-Reduce-Grid-Strain By Liz John, Managing Director & Shaun Auckland, Local Government Program Manager, South-central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource (SPEER) Local governments and their...

REIMAGING SOLAR INSTALLATIONS: Adding BEAUTY, Safety, Shelter, and Connectivity in Public Spaces

Energy Services Today Article, Summer 2024 Issue By Brian Graff, CEO & Co-Founder, Solar Forma Design When we think of solar installations, we often think of...