The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (CEHNC) intends to select the Offeror whose proposal represents the best value to the Government....
Source: PA e-Marketplace
This Request for Quotes (RFQ) provides interested ITQ Qualified Contractors with sufficient information to enable them to prepare and submit a Quote...
Excerpt taken from Request for Qualification:
GENERALThis is a pre-qualification of ESCOs for future Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC)projects. There is no minimum number...
Summary from RFI:
The City of Hartford is seeking one or more consultants for a one-year engagement to facilitate and administer community projects related...
Due: 3/1/2023
Summary taken from Solicitation:
The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (CEHNC) intends to select the Offeror whose proposal represents the...
Title:Â Energy Performance Consulting ServicesRFPÂ Number:P-10000044Description:Â Baltimore County, Maryland is soliciting proposals from an Energy Services Company for a full range of energy services and...
Source: Milwaukee County Administration Services
View Solicitation
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services (DAS), and Department of Transportation (DOT) are requesting proposals from qualified providers...
Source: Sedalia Democrat, Classified
Request For Proposals-Energy Services Company (ESCO)The Sedalia School District #200 will receive sealed proposals from qualified Energy Services Companies pursuant...
Source: Clarion Ledger, Classifieds
RFQ 2023-01 Energy Savings Performance Contracting Services Electronic RFQ proposals for the above RFQ will be received by the Board...