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Clean Jobs America 2023

Excerpt from report –

Clean energy and clean vehicle jobs in America grew 4 percent in 2022, bringing the total number of workers in renewable generation, energy efficiency, clean vehicles, battery and storage, grid modernization, and biofuels to more than 3.3 million. Clean energy now employs over 40 percent of all energy workers in America.

The increase in 2022 marked the full workforce recovery for multiple sectors following the earlier impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Renewable energy, biofuels, and storage and grid modernization sectors officially surpassed their sectors’ pre-pandemic job numbers in 2022 while clean vehicles—which continued to add jobs during the pandemic—kept up its industry-leading growth pace.

Approximately 127,000 jobs were added across all sectors—accounting for more than 3 percent of all U.S. jobs added in 2022. Over the past two years clean energy jobs have grown by more than 10 percent, faster than the overall energy industry and overall U.S. employment.

It’s a trend that’s expected to continue as the clean energy sector begins to feel the full impact from historic investments passed in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Clean energy and clean vehicle companies announced 210 major projects across 38 states in the year after the IRA was signed into law on August 16, 2022.2 The numbers in this report do not reflect the estimated 74,000 jobs to be created by the projects announced.

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