National Association of Energy Service Companies Names New Officers and Advisory Committee Members

National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO) members elect new leaders to guide the organization’s growth in enabling modernized infrastructure and building efficiency through innovative projects.

WASHINGTON, D.C., [November 9, 2022] – The National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO), the leading advocacy and accreditation association representing companies modernizing our nation’s building infrastructure through energy efficiency projects, has announced their executive leadership and advisory committee for 2023-2024.

Elected to two-year terms by NAESCO members, the new leadership represents a breadth and depth of talent and experience across the full scope of the energy service and performance contracting industry. The Executive Committee will be led by:

  • Wes Walker, CEO of Veregy (Chair),
  • Shayne Homan, VP of Energy Services at McClure Company (Vice Chair),
  • Jeff Flathman, Co-founder and President at Energy Solutions Professionals (Secretary), and
  • Bryon Krug, Co-founder and President at CEG Solutions (Treasurer)

In addition to the Executive Committee officers, NAESCO members also elected Steven Smith of ESG, Rick Rodriguez of Siemens, and Joel Lowery of ABM as full members of the Executive Advisory Committee and Joe Barger of Powersmiths, Charlie Zitnik of DA Davidson, and Wayne Callham of Linmore LED as affiliate members of the committee.

Rhonda Courtney of Eco Engineering and Francis Wheeler of Envocore were also elected to head the Membership and Affiliate Advisory Committees, respectively.

“Our leadership team for 2023-2024 bring decades of experience in performance contracting to the table, and are taking the helm at a period of rapid and dynamic growth for ESCOs,” said NAESCO Executive Director Dr. Timothy Unruh. “I look forward to what we will accomplish together in the next two years, in D.C. and in statehouses and city halls across the country.”


The National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO) is the leading advocacy and accreditation organization for Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and is dedicated to modernizing America’s building infrastructure through performance contracting. Uniting the energy service industry, NAESCO promotes favorable government policies; sponsors a rigorous accreditation program; provides training and education; and champions the interests of ESCOs across the nation.

ESCOs contract with private and public sector energy users to provide cost-effective energy efficiency retrofits across a wide spectrum of client facilities, from college campuses to water treatment plants. Effectively utilizing a performance-based contract business model, ESCOs have implemented more than $70 billion in comprehensive energy efficiency retrofit projects over the last three decades.

Learn more about NAESCO, its members, membership benefits, and accreditation process at, and follow NAESCO on Twitter (@NaescoNews) and LinkedIn (@naesco).

Media Contact for NAESCO:
Jen Fletcher
On behalf of NAESCO

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